A truce emerges when the parties to a conflict realize the costs of war are too high. But the conflict must still be resolved.
We can help.
Regardless of the conflict level, we can help you maximize the probability that your divorce can be settled without contentious litigation. Divorce mediation is a powerful tool for navigating the challenges of a high conflict divorce.
Unlike litigation, mediation provides a structured, neutral environment that helps de-escalate tensions and encourages collaboration. This approach is particularly effective in high conflict divorces, where emotional volatility can hinder resolution. By focusing on communication and fairness, mediation often leads to quicker, less stressful outcomes.
In a high conflict divorce, mediation also ensures privacy and keeps decision-making in the hands of the couple rather than a judge. This control is invaluable, allowing both parties to work toward solutions instead of engaging in adversarial battles. With the guidance of a skilled mediator, even high conflict divorces can progress toward more amicable and cost-effective resolutions.
Solution Oriented
At Lighthouse Mediation, we help you work through a healthy process to settle your high conflict divorce even if you are in a state of high conflict. Our approach helps you see that there are solutions that benefit both partners which have not been considered yet. We help you create solutions and maximize the outcomes of both parties.
Avoid Litigation
Even if you are in a heightened state of conflict with your partner, litigation is rarely beneficial for either person. It is far more emotionally and financially exhausting than you likely expect, negatively impacting life during the lengthy process. When you litigate, there is increased anxiety and uncertainty due to the fact that the final decision is ultimately in the hands of a judge. With mediation, you have more control over both the timeline and the outcome.
Streamline Communication
In high conflict divorce cases, we can work caucus-style where you and your partner are not communicating directly (e.g. you're each in a separate room and the mediator moves back and forth). You may choose to have attorneys present in the mediation. With attorneys present, the mediation can occur caucus-style or with the parties, attorneys and mediator all in the same room.
Neutral Ground
Mediators act as a neutral third party, and work with you in a structured environment that lends itself to respectful problem solving. Divorcing partners in a state of high conflict tend to get derailed during decision-making discussions. The crucial decision-making that needs to happen during a divorce can be impossible without the assistance of a third party in a high conflict divorce.