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The divorce mediation process is structured, yet flexible and designed to help couples navigate the complexities of divorce with the guidance of a neutral mediator. At Lighthouse Mediation, we're committed to making this process as smooth and effective as possible.


It is important to understand that the divorce mediation process is voluntary as both parties need to agree to choose mediation instead of litigation. Each party must be transparent and participate in the divorce mediation process with the intent to find mutually agreeable solutions. All solutions in the divorce mediation process must meet both parties’ needs because either party can veto any potential solution. Mediation can be easily misunderstood. Here is a good article about myths of divorce mediation.


The divorce mediation process is not an easy one; however, it is likely easier and better than the alternative of litigation. Below are general steps in the divorce mediation process.



Schedule an initial consultation that should last about 15 minutes. We answer your general questions and discuss next steps.



We provide a list of the documents and information we need to work through the divorce mediation process together.​ Beyond the paperwork, this is a good opportunity for individuals to consider their individual thoughts and feelings regarding some of the bigger decisions. For example, you need to think about how you'd like to address dividing assets or, if you have children, considering your thoughts on parenting time. 


Initial Meetings

Each person has an initial discussion with the mediator. You may choose to have your attorney present, if desired. During these separate, individual conversations the mediator is working to understand where there is agreement and where there is not. A global understanding of all the factors at play helps your mediator tailor the mediation process to your specific needs.



You and your partner meet with the mediator with the goal of resolving all areas of your divorce. If you have both agreed to have attorneys present, we generally expect a caucus-style mediation where the mediator moves between two rooms. If you have both agreed not to have attorneys present, you may choose to be in the same room together or in separate rooms. The process of mediation continues until an agreement can be reached. The amount of time this takes varies.



Once all areas of your divorce have been agreed upon, your mediator provides a detailed write up, which makes drafting your agreement with your lawyer quick and easy.  Once the agreement is drafted, you submit your agreement to the Court for approval and a dissolution judgment. 

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When you work with Lighthouse, we help you resolve an exhaustive list of matters to establish a solid marital settlement agreement and parenting plan (when applicable). This allows you to minimize your conflict, legal costs, and time in court.


During the divorce mediation process, we guide you through the matters you need to work through including:

  • Division of assets

  • Division of debts

  • Maintenance (formerly called alimony)

  • Allocation of parenting time if you have minor children (when the kids will be with each parent)

  • Allocation of decision-making if you have minor children


There are sub-topics in many of these categories. For example, parenting time decisions needs to include how holidays and school breaks will be handled if different from your regular schedule. Decision-making is generally divided into the four categories of education, medical, extracurricular, and religion. The divorce mediation process can be a lot to navigate, but we're here to guide you through it.


As a CDFA® (Certified Divorce Financial Analyst) and with a strong financial aptitude, Joe will help you understand the financial implications of your decisions.


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